Upgrade Your Expectations

High-Speed, High Resolution

The Next X-Series: FLIR X8580 & X6980

The next generation of high-speed, high resolution thermal science cameras is here with the new X8580 and X6980: the latest series of midwave and longwave science cameras offering blazing-fast frame rates and crisp, low-noise imagery along with advanced recording, triggering, and synchronization. From their remote focus capabilities to the rapid data transfer and direct-to-SSD recording, these cameras will improve the quality of your thermal data while saving you time and eliminating the frustrations inherent in working in dynamic thermal environments.


Choose the camera that's right for your research

FLIR X8580: High Definition Images, Fast Frame Rates 

x6980-x8580 thermocouples.jpgNon-destructive PCB testing, radiometry, stress mapping, and target signature characterizations all benefit from the X8580's high definition, 1280 × 1024 thermal sensor that detect small temperature differences with very little noise. Plus, the X8580 SLS—with its longwave, strained layer superlattice detector—offers shorter snapshot speeds and wider temperature bands so you can capture crisp stop motion images of high-speed events.

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To truly stop motion on a high speed event—a ballistics test; a fast thermal transient; even destructive tests on Li-Ion batteries—you need a camera that can capture detailed images at more than a thousand frames per second. FLIR X6980 MWIR and X6980 SLS LWIR cameras offer the speed and sensitivity needed, as well as motorized lenses that can be focused remotely. 

Talk to a Teledyne FLIR expert for more information and to schedule a demonstration.


Introducing the X8580 & X6980

Introducing the X8580 & X6980

Unboxing your X-Series

Unboxing your X-Series

Connecting to your X-Series

Connecting to your X-Series

Installing Warm Filters on FLIR Cooled Science Camera

Installing Warm Filters on FLIR Cooled Science Camera

New, game-changing capabilities

Motorized Lenses

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The next generation of X-Series cameras is compatible with FLIR motorized lenses for precise, remote focus adjustments.




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Record directly to the on-board, hot-swappable 512 GB SSD for up to 15 minutes at high frame rates and full resolution—no need for extra equipment.

faster downloads

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Fast data downloads from the SSD over any of the digital data buses for advanced analysis with FLIR Research Studio software.

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