Transitioning from the FL3-U3-88S2 to the FL3-U3-120S3 Camera

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Camera Specifications

Resolution Mode 0: 4096 x 2160 Mode 10: 4000 x 3000 Mode 0: 4000 x 3000 Mode 10: 4096 x 2160
Frame Rate Mode 0: 21 FPS Mode 10: 15 FPS Mode 0: 15 FPS Mode 10: 21 FPS
Megapixels 8.8 MP 12 MP
Chroma Color Color
Sensor Sony IMX121, CMOS, 1/2.5" Sony IMX172, CMOS, 1/2.3"
Readout Method Rolling shutter with global reset Rolling shutter with global reset
Pixel Size 1.55 µm 1.55 µm
Lens Mount C-mount C-mount
ADC 12-bit 12-bit
Quantum Efficiency Blue 63% at 470 nm 60% at 470 nm
Quantum Efficiency Green 73% at 525 nm 72% at 525 nm
Quantum Efficiency Red 49% at 640 nm 51% at 640 nm
Temporal Dark Noise 3.06 e- 3.00 e-
Signal to Noise Ratio 37.76 dB 38.67 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio 6.27 bits 6.42 bits
Absolute Sensitivity Threshold 5.26 γ 4.86 γ
Saturation Capacity 5966 e- 7363 e-
Dynamic Range 64.49 dB 66.46 dB
Dynamic Range 10.71 bits 11.04 bits
Gain 0.12 e-/ADU 0.14 e-/ADU
Gain Range 0 dB to 24 dB 0 dB to 24.5 dB
Exposure Range 0.021 ms to 1 second 0.162 ms to 0.99 seconds
Trigger Modes Standard, bulb, multi-shot Standard, bulb, multi-shot
Partial Image Modes Pixel binning, ROI Pixel binning, ROI
Image Processing Gamma, lookup table, hue, saturation, and sharpness Gamma, lookup table, hue, saturation, and sharpness
Image Buffer 32 MB 32 MB
User Sets 2 memory channels for custom camera settings 2 memory channels for custom camera settings
Flash Memory 1 MB non-volatile memory 1 MB non-volatile memory
Opto-isolated I/O Ports 1 input, 1 output 1 input, 1 output
Non-isolated I/O 2 bi-directional 2 bi-directional
Serial Port 1 (over non-isolated I/O) 1 (over non-isolated I/O)
Auxiliary Output 3.3 V, 150 mA maximum 3.3 V, 150 mA maximum
Interface USB 3.1 USB 3.1
Power Requirements 5 - 24 V via GPIO or 5 V via USB 3.1 interface 5 - 24 V via GPIO or 5 V via USB 3.1 interface
Power Consumption 2.5 W maximum 2.5 W maximum
Dimensions/Mass 29 mm x 29 mm x 30 mm / 41 grams 29 mm x 29 mm x 30 mm / 41 grams
Machine Vision Standard USB3 Vision v1.0 USB3 Vision v1.0
Compliance CE, FCC, KCC, RoHS CE, FCC, KCC, RoHS
Temperature Operating: 0° to 45°C Storage: -30° to 60°C Operating: 0° to 45°C Storage: -30° to 60°C
Humidity Operating: 20% to 80% (no condensation) Storage: 20% to 95% (no condensation) Operating: 20% to 80% (no condensation) Storage: 20% to 95% (no condensation)
Warranty 3 years 3 years
Price $895 USD $595 USD


Video Modes

  FL3-U3-88S2C-C FL3-U3-120S3C-C
Mode 0 Resolution: 4096 x 2160
Mode 0 allows only for specifying a region of interest, and does not perform any binning.
Frame rate does not increase when ROI size is reduced. Global Reset is available if using Standard Trigger Mode.
Resolution: 4000 x 3000
Mode 0 allows only for specifying a region of interest, and does not perform any binning.
Frame rate does not increase when ROI size is reduced. Global Reset is available if using Standard Trigger Mode. This mode is consistent with mode 10 of the FL3-U3-88S2C.
Mode 4 Mode 4 implements a combination of 2X horizontal and 2X vertical binning.
Both horizontal and vertical binning are performed on the sensor, prior to color processing.
On sensor binning is averaged and therefore there is no increase in brightness but there is an increase in frame rate.
On sensor 2x2 binning of the mode 10 resolution (4096 x 2160) resulting in a resolution of 2048 x 1080, consistent with mode 4 of the FL3-U3-88S2C.
Mode 10 Resolution: 4000 x 3000
Mode 10 allows a maximum image size of 4000 x 3000 (12 MP) with a maximum frame rate of 15 FPS.
There is no pixel correction in mode 10. Only 8-bit and 12-bit pixel formats support 12 MP; 16-bit pixel formats support 11 MP and 24-bit pixel formats support 7.4 MP.
Resolution: 4096 x 2160
4k/2k imaging mode.
This mode is consistent with mode 0 of the FL3-U3-88S2C.


Mechanical Specifications

Both models have the same mechanical specifications.

Part Number Barrel Length "A"
FL3-U3-120S3 11.71
FL3-U3-88S2 11.7444


GPIO Specifications

Both cameras have the same GPIO specifications.

Color Pin Function Description
Black 1 IO Opto-isolated input (default trigger in)
White 2 O1 Opto-isolated output
Red 3 IO2 Input/Output/serial transmit (TX)
Green 4 IO3 Input/Output/serial receive (RX)
Brown 5 GND Ground for bi-directional IO, Vext, +3.3 V pins
Blue 6 OPTO_GND Ground for opto-isolated IO pins
Orange 7 Vext Allows the camera to be powered externally
Yellow 8 +3.3 V Power external circuitry up to 150 mA


Software Support

Both cameras are USB3 Vision compliant.

For more information on using third party USB3Vision software with FL3-U3 cameras, please refer to the following application notes:

Using USB3 Vision cameras with A&B Software's ActiveUSB

Using USB3 Vision cameras with Matrox Imaging Library

Using USB3 Vision cameras with MVTec HALCON 11

Using USB3 Vision cameras with National Instruments' Vision Acquisition software


Frequently Asked Questions about Upgrading

What new hardware do I need?

No new hardware is required. The FL3-U3-120S3 can use the same cables, interface cards, and accessories as the FL3-U3-88S2.

For more USB 3.1 system components, please refer to the application note Recommended USB 3.1 System Components.

Can I run the FL3-U3-120S3 with my existing FlyCapture-based application?


How can I use the FL3-U3-120S3 with non-USB3 Vision software?

FL3-U3 cameras can be used with other software via DirectShow, open source libraries, or software adapters. For more information, please refer to the following application notes.

Using USB3/USB2 Cameras with Cognex VisionPro

Streaming Cameras on Embedded Systems

Using Linux with USB 3.1

Is the FL3-U3-88S2 camera being discontinued?

Yes. The Sony IMX121 sensor is longer available. Please see PCN2016001A for details. 


Reference Documentation

Other useful sources of information regarding specific features of the Applicable Product(s) include:

Flea3 USB 3.1 Getting Started Manual

Flea3 USB 3.1 Technical Reference Manual

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