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Universal Soft Sided Case (TA15)

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The FLIR TA15 is a universal, multi-compartment soft-sided case designed to protect and carry your FLIR clamp meter, flex clamp accessory, test leads, or any other tool you need on the job. It is recommended for use with any FLIR clamp meter and the FLIR Universal Flex Current Probe Accessory (TA72 or TA74). Two large instrument compartments. Removable hand strap. Quick-release belt clip. Convenient magnetic bag closure. Label/luggage tag window. Two durable side pockets (mesh/neoprene). 1-year warranty.

58,00 € ex. VAT
69,60 € inc. approx. VAT (20 %)
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Universal Soft Sided Case (TA15)

58,00 € ex. VAT 69,60 € inc. approx. VAT (20 %)