Beyond Accuracy


In the same way a website is optimized by analyzing the online clickstream data to understand where people go and what they do on a website, physical stores and other spaces can also be optimized by evaluating similar data. But having an accurate people count isn't enough. FLIR Brickstream devices go above and beyond high accuracy by offering dynamic technology to track multiple metrics that reveal more meaningful and actionable data. Our sensors track four core metrics:



Enters and exits



Queue lengths and wait times



Service arrivals and service times



Object detection

This robust metric set can be further augmented through our advanced options and filtering controls. Get the data you need by adding more intelligence to your data through the following: 

Many stores have multiple specialized product sections that are linked by specific pathways. The FLIR line of sensors allows users to set up multi-zone counting for tracking people entering and exiting your store as well as movement between sections within your store. Get a deeper understanding of customer behavior through multiple metric collection points. Enter lines are represented by  green lines  and exit lines by the  blue lines  



Customer tracks can vary significantly and certain behaviors can skew data and create false counts. To enhance accuracy of footfall traffic and dramatically reduce false counts, Enters and Exits are only counted if a customer's path matches behaviors that are indicative of an entrance or an exit.

Final Count: 1 Enter, 0 Exits
Enters only counted if a customer’s path matches behaviors that are indicative of an entrance


Final Count: 0 Enter, 1 Exits
Exits only counted if a customer’s path matches behaviors that are indicative of an exit.


 Final Count: 0 Enter, 0 Exits
Pass-through traffic does not meet the criteria and thus is not counted.


 Final Count: 1 Enter, 0 Exits
“Count Once” logic prevents multiple counts on the same customer.


FLIR sensors allow additional analytics through "exclude lines" and "pass lines". Exclude lines remove a customer’s track from future consideration. If a customer's tracks do not interact with an exclude line they will be counted but if the tracks touch an exclude line they will be excluded from future counts. "Pass lines" count traffic regardless of direction. Pass lines can be used in combination with other line types to help show certain behavior. Exclude lines are represented by  red line  and pass lines by the  purple line  .

In this example only 1 exit will be counted
Tracks that touch an exclude line are excluded from future counts.


In this example both passes are counted
Pass lines count traffic regardless of direction


Advanced height filtering can be configured for child and shopping carts counting. For example, children can be excluded from the count or counted separately from adults. Based on height/mass information you can exclude carts from your count.


The "shopping unit" option accurately reduces counts for conversion. The sensor can be configured to monitor time and distance information between multiple paths such as:

  • Do the customers remain near each other while in the scene
  • Do they enter at the same time
  • Do they enter next to each other

This allows the sensor to report multiple paths as one shopping unit such as a family or couple.




With the combination of our patented path tracking technology, height filtering method, and the advantages afforded by our stereo vision based sensor technology, FLIR Brickstream people counting and tracking sensors can be used to optimize:

  • Sales Conversion: Stores use “people counting” metrics to understand how many shoppers came to the store. Sales Conversion, the ratio of traffic to sales, helps retailers compare the performance of each store. How many people who came into Store A made a purchase? Top tier retailers operate thousands of stores so having consistent performance measures are vital.
  • Customer Service: Everyone hates to wait, so providing a consistent and acceptable wait time influences how frequently customers return and can influence their average spend per trip.
  • Staffing: People traffic determines the amount of labor needed to service visitors. Overstaffing cuts into profits, under-staffing frustrates customers & causes potential lost sales.
  • Revenue: Entertainment venues use behavior metrics to maximize ticket sales without exceeding maximum occupancy.
  • Product placement and signage: People traffic and shopper dwell patterns are used to determine where to place products and signage, and how to allocate space.
  • Safety: Occupancy is a basic safety measure for physical spaces. Traffic figures determine where security staff are positioned and how many are required.
  • Pricing: Mall operators use people traffic, dwell and conversion figures to determine the price of the space in their malls and the value of a particular tenant to their overall operations.