What are the NUC settings for the FLIR Ax5?

The FLIR Ax5 NUC can be set in either automatic or manual mode.

Manual mode: To set the NUC to manual mode, change the GenICam register NUCMode to Manual (enum 0). To perform an NUC, the GenICam register NucAction must be called.

Automatic mode: To set the NUC to automatic mode, change the GenICam register NUCMode to Automatic (enum 1). There are two GenICam registers that govern the criteria for when a NUC will occur:

  • NUCTempDelta. If the internal camera temperature has changed with the value specified since the last NUC action, an NUC will be performed.
  • NUCIntervalFrames. If the number of frames since the last NUC action is equal to the value specified, an NUC will be performed.

To change the specified values, the GenICam registers NUCTempDeltaW and NUCIntervalFramesW can be modified.

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