FLIR Showcases Portable GC/MS Capabilities at CBRNe World

CBRNe World, producers of the leading CBRN event, CBRNe Convergence, will host the second of its three-part series in Ottawa, Canada from April 16 – 17, 2019. Bringing military, civilian, and scientific experts together, the conference will provide a showcase of the latest scientific research and military doctrine to deal with the CBRN threat.
On April 17 at 1400, Dr Ross Harper, FLIR Systems’ Business Development Manager for Chemical Detection, will present an overview of currently fielded portable GC/MS capabilities. Dr Harper will also discuss where to apply GC/MS at a HazMat scene and the ignitable liquid residue (ILR) analysis at suspected arson scenes. Dr Harper joined FLIR Systems in 2005 and specializes in field and mobile applications for Chemical, Explosive, and Narcotics detection and identification.
Before attending the CBRNe Convergence Canada event, watch the animated GC/MS infographic below to learn about time-sensitive confirmatory identification. Then stop by stand #206 for a live chemical identification demo with the FLIR Griffin G510 GC/MS.